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We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the AFPE Quality Mark (with Distinction!) for our delivery of Physical Education - a highly coveted and prestigious accolade! 

At Marshfield we believe the human spirit is at the centre of our approach to the teaching of PE, with the belief that all children have the potential to succeed. They should have access to a wide curriculum that inspires, rewards and challenges them through a range of progressions with varied activities, increasing self-confidence through an ability to manage themselves successfully in a variety of situations.

The value and influence of the Physical Curriculum.

At Marshfield, our Physical Curriculum will develop in all our children:

  • Physical Skilfulness
  • Physical Development
  • Purposeful Physical Recreation
  • Physical Health and Wellbeing

Our sequential and progressive curriculum is backed by our use of vocabulary that is built upon, year upon year.


Our partnership with Unique Fitness helps children at Marshfield learn an important and invaluable life skill.
 It can also prepare children to deal with emergencies such as floods or accidents involving water and provide knowledge of lifesaving skills in relation to safe self-rescues.

The curriculum consists of three main objectives, starting with the basics and continuing as children build confidence.

  • Swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • Use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke]
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Please visit Unique Fitness' website ( for more information.

After-School clubs

We are pleased to offer a wide range of after-school sports clubs, delivered by Bradford Bulls Sports Coaches and also our teachers!  From Table Tennis to rock climbing, gymnastics and cheerleading, we have got it all!

Our after-school clubs change every half term, each being voted for by our classes.  For more information about which clubs are happening this half-term, please contact the school office.

Bradford Bulls - Rugby League Championship