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At Marshfield Primary School we believe and advocate a mastery approach to the learning and teaching of mathematics in a fun but focused way. It is our belief that all children have the potential to succeed and develop meaningful mathematical links that they will use throughout their lives. At Marshfield, children will have access to the same curriculum content and, rather than being extended with new learning, they will deepen their conceptual understanding by tackling challenging and varied problems.New Recognition Partner Announcement - White Rose Maths - Tempo Time Credits

We believe that mathematics provides children with the essential life skills of:
• Understanding number and calculation,
• Developing fluency of conceptual and procedural mathematics,
• Problem-solving,
• Enquiry and investigative skills,
• Reasoning Skills.

We adopt a fully inclusive, mind-friendly approach to teaching and learning in Mathematics where children are challenged sufficiently in a supportive environment. Assessment for learning allows children and teachers to review the strategies and methods used in the lessons, thus always moving learning on. All teachers follow a clear teaching sequence of progression throughout each area of mathematics following the White Rose SOL.

• To develop numerate children through the ‘mastery approach’,
• Ensure every child is confident and enthusiastic when approaching mathematical problems,
• Provide children with the skills to use and apply mathematics in different contexts,
• Provide children with the vocabulary (see link below for more information) to talk about and explain mathematical concepts, 
• Provide children with an exciting Maths curriculum which is embedded in real life situations and practical problem-solving,
• Use ICT to enhance the learning and teaching of mathematics,
• Use a variety of learning styles and resources to cater for all children’s needs,
• Encourage the development of children’s independent learning, including through home learning.

Mathematics in the Early Years at Marshfield Primary School

At Marshfield Primary School, we are committed to fostering a love of mathematics in our youngest learners, using high-quality resources from White Rose Maths. These resources align seamlessly with the Department for Education's EYFS statutory framework and Development Matters, ensuring that children’s learning meets the early learning goals while being both engaging and developmentally appropriate.

Recognising that early mathematical knowledge is a cornerstone of every child’s educational journey and a strong predictor of later success, we create opportunities for children to explore mathematics in meaningful and practical ways. Through fun, hands-on activities and games, children develop essential skills in number, shape, measure, spatial reasoning, and problem-solving. The schemes of learning we follow encourage curiosity, creativity, and confidence, allowing children to explore mathematical concepts without fear of making mistakes.

Our approach incorporates adult-led learning, continuous provision, and outdoor activities to ensure a mathematically rich curriculum. Teachers are supported by comprehensive guidance, including key vocabulary, progression advice, and strategies for embedding mathematical talk and reasoning. Additionally, the schemes provide suggested books and resources to spark engagement and deepen understanding, bringing mathematics to life in meaningful contexts.

By integrating mathematics into daily routines, play, and exploration, we nurture positive attitudes and enthusiasm for learning. At Marshfield Primary, we believe that fostering a deep, joyful connection with mathematics from the start empowers children to thrive throughout their educational journey and beyond.

Home Learning

Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars – Myddle CE Primary and Nursery School

In addition to any homework set by class teachers, we encourage the use of the above learning apps to deepen your child's understanding and consolidate any learning that happens within the classroom.  

Enterprising skills are essential for our students as they bring together every element of our mathematical curriculum.  We pride ourselves on giving the children the chance to take charge of their own learning and apply what they've learnt in the classroom to real-life challenges.  This not only prepares students for future academic and career endeavours but also cultivates a mindset of curiosity, propelling our three school values of Ambition, Resilience and Respect.

Recently, we have partnered with the Organic Pantry to deliver high quality, fresh ingredients for our smoothie enterprise: Genius Juice!


Here are some more examples of our enterprising endeavours: