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Carlton Edge

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Carlton Edge is an innovative programme unique to the Trust to develop the social capital, life experiences and aspirations of all students in the Trust. This is seen as a necessity to help overcome the significant disadvantages faced by many students.

The Social Capital programme comprises eight separate experiences offered:

  • Outdoor and adventurous trip/residential
  • Visit to the countryside
  • Visit to a major city
  • Visit to the coast
  • Formal meal
  • Visit to the theatre
  • Visit to a town/city of historical significance
  • Additional trip to the coast or countryside

Marshfield provides a variety of extracurricular activities that recognise students' contributions and involvement. These activities enrich students' experiences and complement their academic learning. This year, we are thrilled to introduce our new international visits, offering students exciting opportunities to broaden their horizons.

Trust CEO Adrian Kneeshaw is a great advocate of the programme, commenting, “The Edge programme is a significant financial commitment, but this is more than worth it when considering the huge benefits the programme brings to Carlton students”.

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