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School Council

Meet Our School council!

What is the role of School Council?  I asked our elected Councillors what they feel they bring as a team to Marshfield Primary School.

"We are a friendly face - see us smile and you know who we are.  Come and play together!" - Diya, Year 2.

"We are here to help other children and teachers whenever they need anything.  We make the school a better place!" - Innayah, Year 5.

"We show people what expected behaviour looks like and they can copy us like we are role models" Eshal, Year 5

Some of our School Councillors have self-elected to be 'Connect Advisors'.  They will bring to life the 'Advisor' role from our Connect PSHE curriculum to be a friend to all in the school whoever may need one.  The Advisor skill is about weighing up the reasons for and against pursuing a particular course of action. What makes Connect really unique is that the termly themes are derived from the psychological wellbeing literature, and specifically the work of Dr Geetanjali Basarkod. Dr Basarkod’s PhD thesis expanded on the work of the New Economics Foundation by empirically showing that psychologically healthy people tend to engage in 6 behaviours, and our curriculum is built around them. They are…

  • Connecting with others – this involves having healthy social relationships.

  • Challenging oneself – this involves continually trying to improve via learning.

  • Giving to others – this involves spending time and resources helping our fellow human beings.

  • Exercising – this involves engaging in physical activity. 

  • Embracing the moment – this involves mindfully interacting with our thoughts and feelings.

  • Self-care – this involves looking after oneself, such as through healthy eating and improved sleep quality.

Connect is the only PSHE curriculum specifically designed to support children to engage in the six wellbeing behaviours.

We feel that PSHE goes hand in hand with our PE curriculum.  Please see our PE and Sports page for more information.

Sports Leaders!

Our Year 6 Sports Leaders provide lunch time clubs for our KS1 children. They plan, prepare and deliver their own content based upon the requests from their peers and their knowledge of PE and Sports! Look out for their signature yellow uniforms!

Road Safety!

Our school councillors have been working hard to create Road Safety posters to increase awareness around school. They even helped Mr Perkins host an assembly!
 Have you seen our posters displayed outside our school gates?